In the harsh region known as the Borderland, humans must fight a never-ending battle facing demi-human creatures intent on taking their land and their gods. A boy named Kai, during a battle to defend his village, suffers a mortal wound that causes him to recover the memories of a past life, also giving him a new power and a new perception of the unjust rules that govern the world around him. One thing is clear: for those who have no god to protect them, life is a constant struggle for survival.
Theogony is a fantasy battle shonen manga written by Tsukasa Tanimai and illustrated by Shunsuke Aoyama - with character design by Koichiro Kawano - which tells the epic rise of a boy in a vast world full of magic, blood and mystery. The manga is already in development as an upcoming animated series.
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Theogony - vol. 1 + key ring
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Ricevilo tra il 22/12 e il 23/12
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In the harsh region known as the Borderland, humans must fight a never-ending battle facing demi-human creatures intent on taking their land and their gods. A boy named Kai, during a battle to defend his village, suffers a mortal wound that causes him to recover the memories of a past life, also giving him a new power and a new perception of the unjust rules that govern the world around him. One thing is clear: for those who have no god to protect them, life is a constant struggle for survival.
Theogony is a fantasy battle shonen manga written by Tsukasa Tanimai and illustrated by Shunsuke Aoyama - with character design by Koichiro Kawano - which tells the epic rise of a boy in a vast world full of magic, blood and mystery. The manga is already in development as an upcoming animated series.
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Theogony - vol. 1 + key ring
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