Adventure Games - Grand Hotel Abaddon by Giochi Uniti is a fantastic board game in the investigation category. Designed by Phil Walker-Harding, Matthew Dunstan and Ute Wielandt and available in our Italian catalogue, it is playable with 1-4 players. The duration of a match is approximately 75 minutes. It is recommended for board gamers aged 12 and over.
- Illustrator : Folko Streese, Erkan Karagöz, Johanna Rupprecht, Christina Kraus
- Mechanics : Cooperative Game
- Family : Board Game
Detailed description of Adventure Games - Grand Hotel Abaddon
Play as 4 guests of an old hotel commemorating 50 years of a tragic fire. This place has a particular importance for each of the protagonists and is also the subject of controversial gossip about the presence of ghosts. As soon as you enter, you are warmly welcomed by the owner, but the moment of joy does not last long. In a flash of terror the lights go out, an ominous bell rings and the doors to the hall are locked. From here on the story is in your hands! A cooperative chapter-based adventure, where every choice changes the story!