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In a distant future where humanity has colonized the stars, life is controlled by supercomputers. No one lives on Earth anymore, because it is too polluted and impoverished due to the exploitation of men. Soon individuals manifesting superhuman psychic abilities, the Mu, are discovered. The rest of the human species fears them, fears them and wants to destroy them. The Mu will thus try to escape and hide in an attempt to save their offspring, but in reality they have only one desire, to go home... to return to Earth.
The plot covers a large number of years, and portrays what will be the exodus of the Mu, narrated through the key figure of Jomy, the protagonist.
The work won, in 1978, the first ever Seiun Award for the manga section. It also won the Shogakukan Manga Award in 1980.
The plot covers a large number of years, and portrays what will be the exodus of the Mu, narrated through the key figure of Jomy, the protagonist.
The work won, in 1978, the first ever Seiun Award for the manga section. It also won the Shogakukan Manga Award in 1980.
Le spedizioni vengono effettuate entro 2 giorni dal pagamento, tramite DHL Express o BRT, con opzione di tracciamento. Le tariffe di spedizione includono gestione, imballaggio e postali, fisse per la gestione ma variabili per il peso. È consigliabile unificare gli acquisti per evitare spese multiple, dato che ordini separati comportano costi di spedizione distinti. I pacchi viaggiano a rischio dell'acquirente, con particolare cura per gli oggetti fragili, e sono imballati per garantire protezione.
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- Vendor:
Towards the Earth - Complete Box
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Ricevilo tra il 21/12 e il 22/12
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In a distant future where humanity has colonized the stars, life is controlled by supercomputers. No one lives on Earth anymore, because it is too polluted and impoverished due to the exploitation of men. Soon individuals manifesting superhuman psychic abilities, the Mu, are discovered. The rest of the human species fears them, fears them and wants to destroy them. The Mu will thus try to escape and hide in an attempt to save their offspring, but in reality they have only one desire, to go home... to return to Earth.
The plot covers a large number of years, and portrays what will be the exodus of the Mu, narrated through the key figure of Jomy, the protagonist.
The work won, in 1978, the first ever Seiun Award for the manga section. It also won the Shogakukan Manga Award in 1980.
The plot covers a large number of years, and portrays what will be the exodus of the Mu, narrated through the key figure of Jomy, the protagonist.
The work won, in 1978, the first ever Seiun Award for the manga section. It also won the Shogakukan Manga Award in 1980.
Le spedizioni vengono effettuate entro 2 giorni dal pagamento, tramite DHL Express o BRT, con opzione di tracciamento. Le tariffe di spedizione includono gestione, imballaggio e postali, fisse per la gestione ma variabili per il peso. È consigliabile unificare gli acquisti per evitare spese multiple, dato che ordini separati comportano costi di spedizione distinti. I pacchi viaggiano a rischio dell'acquirente, con particolare cura per gli oggetti fragili, e sono imballati per garantire protezione.
Alcuni dei nostri articoli possono essere direttamente ritirati nei nostri negozi, l'opzione se sarà possibile verrà mostrata nel checkout
In stock
- Vendor:
Towards the Earth - Complete Box
Regular price
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