Detective - Dune: House Secrets is a board game in Italian by Ignacy Trzewiczek and Pendragon for 1-4 players, average duration 140 min, age 14+
Detective - Dune: House Secrets is a story-driven cooperative game in which you will join the resistance against House Harkonnen, facing a series of Chapters in the Dune universe. You will play each chapter through a series of Encounters trying to achieve certain Objectives. Time will be running out: the number of meetings you can play will be limited, making it impossible to face all the meetings. For this reason, you will have to deduce different aspects of the story to be successful in your adventure.
At the end of each Chapter you will have to fill out your Status Report, entering the information you have collected during the game and the decisions you have made. The results obtained and your choices will influence the plot of the story.
In Dune: House Secrets, there will be no winners or losers: each playgroup will experience a unique story based on the choices they make!